Distilled at a distillery closed over 20 years ago now, Caperdonich is a taste of a time long since passed by, and the remaining liquid is a precious commodity to be savoured by those who enjoy old-school whisky for all of its complex and contrasting flavours.
Woodsmoke, fried salmon skin, pear drop and linseed oil. Almond cake, lemon syrup, crème patissiere and delicate grass notes. Gentle florals of calendula and chamomile, with some delicate eucalyptus, aloe and menthol notes. ‘Dunnage aromas’, too.
Medium-light. Concentrated flavour of smoked orchard fruits, with sweet-and-sour. Delicate mossiness. Green banana and some creaminess, too.
Delicately drying, the pear drop and delicate smoke lingers.